Current Affairs

Baby Dies in Ghana Hospital’s Neonatal ICU Amidst Power Outage

In a heartbreaking turn of events, a baby tragically lost its life at the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) of the Tema General Hospital in Ghana. The incident occurred during a four-hour power outage, locally known as ‘dumsor,’ which occurred between 8 pm Tuesday and midnight Wednesday.

According to reports, the power outage left the NICU in darkness, depriving the infants of crucial medical equipment and oxygen support. A distressed mother present at the unit captured the dire situation on video, showcasing the helplessness of the situation as babies lay in their incubators without the necessary life-saving resources.

The mother’s anguish was palpable as she pointed fingers at the hospital management for their failure to ensure a backup power supply, such as a generator, to sustain operations during the outage. Her frustration echoed the sentiments of many who questioned the hospital’s preparedness to handle such emergencies, especially in a critical care unit catering to the most vulnerable patients.

While power was eventually restored after several hours, the relief was overshadowed by the devastating news of the infant’s passing. The loss of a young life under such circumstances has sparked outrage and renewed calls for accountability and improvement in Ghana’s healthcare infrastructure.

This tragic incident sheds light on the systemic challenges faced by healthcare facilities in Ghana, particularly regarding reliable access to electricity. The recurring issue of power outages not only disrupts daily operations but also jeopardizes patient care and safety, as evidenced by this heartbreaking event.

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