Current Affairs

Flooding Forces Closure of Schools in Mozambique’s Capital

Schools across Mozambique’s capital city, Maputo, are being compelled to shut down for a week following heavy rainfall that has led to extensive flooding of buildings and roads.

The closures, affecting both state-run and private schools, come as authorities grapple with the aftermath of torrential rains that have inundated various parts of the city.

Maputo Municipal Council reports that nearly 43,000 individuals have been impacted by the flooding, necessitating urgent measures to provide assistance and relief to affected communities.

According to city authorities, eighteen accommodation centers have been set up to house those in need. However, these facilities can only accommodate a fraction of the affected population.

Anabela Inguane, a local councillor, outlined the relief efforts being undertaken, stating, “We are providing food assistance, buckets, blankets, mats, and we are also coordinating with the relief agency, INGD, to provide tents and other necessities.”

Despite these efforts, the situation remains dire, with reports indicating at least two fatalities since the onset of the heavy rainfall on Sunday.

The closure of schools underscores the severity of the flooding and its impact on daily life in Maputo. With roads submerged and buildings inundated, authorities are urging residents to exercise caution and cooperate with emergency response efforts.

As Mozambique grapples with the aftermath of the floods, attention is increasingly turning towards the need for long-term solutions to mitigate the effects of such natural disasters and bolster resilience in vulnerable communities.

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