Current Affairs

Happiest African Countries 2024: Libya Leads as Ghana Misses Top 10

The release of the 2024 World Happiness Report has shed light on the happiest nations across the globe, with a special focus on Africa. Leading the pack in Africa is Libya, while Ghana, despite its usual acclaim, fails to secure a spot among the top 10.

According to the latest Happiest African Countries 2024 rankings by the United Nations, Libya emerges as the happiest African country with an impressive score of 5.866. This score reflects a combination of factors including GDP, life expectancy, and perceptions of freedom and corruption, providing insights into the overall well-being of individuals.

John Helliwell, an economics professor, emphasizes the importance of societal trust, quality healthcare, education, and equality in contributing to a nation’s happiness, citing examples from countries like Finland.

Happiest African Countries 2024: Libya Leads as Ghana Misses Top 10
Ghana missed out on the top 10

However, the report also uncovers concerning trends, especially regarding life satisfaction among young people in certain regions. Global happiness inequality has surged over 20% in the past twelve years, with significant variations observed based on age and geographical location. In Sub-Saharan Africa, happiness inequality, particularly among the elderly, has notably increased.

Moreover, gender disparities persist, with negative emotions being more prevalent among females across most regions, especially at higher ages.

Despite these challenges, Libya’s position as the happiest country in Africa is noteworthy, closely followed by Mauritius and South Africa, which secure the second and third positions respectively with scores of 5.816 and 5.422.

The Happiest African Countries 2024 rankings, based on average life evaluations from 2021 to 2023, draw from global survey data involving over 140 countries. Collaborating entities include Gallup, the Oxford Wellbeing Research Centre, the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network, and an editorial board.

Top 10 Happiest African Countries in 2024:

  • Libya: 5.866
  • Mauritius: 5.816
  • South Africa: 5.422
  • Algeria: 5.364
  • Congo (Brazzaville): 5.221
  • Mozambique: 5.216
  • Gabon: 5.106
  • Ivory Coast: 5.080
  • Guinea: 5.023
  • Senegal: 4.969

Get the full report here

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