Current Affairs

Idris Elba to Build Eco-Friendly “Smart City” in Sierra Leone

Story Highlights
  • Hollywood star is planning to make part of his roots a "Smart City"
  • Plans to begin later this year
  • Smart City could house about 1 million people

In a bold endeavor aimed at reshaping the landscape of Sierra Leone, acclaimed actor Idris Elba has announced plans to construct an eco-friendly “smart city” on Sherbro Island. The project, envisioned as a beacon of sustainability and innovation, marks a significant milestone in Elba’s efforts to contribute to his father’s homeland.

Originally conceived as a venture to boost tourism along the pristine coastline of Sherbro Island, the project has evolved into a comprehensive plan for sustainable development. Elba, best known for his roles in “Luther” and “The Wire,” shared his vision during an interview with the BBC, expressing his determination to create positive change in Sierra Leone.

“We went there thinking how could we bring tourism to the most incredible 19 miles of beachfront,” Elba revealed. However, as discussions progressed, a more ambitious plan emerged, focusing on sustainable development and renewable energy initiatives.

Collaborating with childhood friend Siaka Stevens, Elba established Sherbro Alliance Partners (SAP) to oversee the project’s implementation. Stevens, whose background in luxury hospitality and entertainment complements Elba’s expertise, emphasized the need for a forward-thinking approach to development in Sierra Leone.

The project aims to address Sierra Leone’s energy challenges by introducing wind-powered renewable electricity to the region. Octopus Energy Generation, one of Europe’s leading investors in renewable energy, has been enlisted to spearhead this initiative, signaling a significant step towards sustainable energy solutions in Sierra Leone.

Sherbro Island City, as the project is known, is set to become a special economic zone with its own legal and economic framework. This designation is expected to attract investment and facilitate economic growth, with President Julius Maada Bio expressing optimism about the island’s potential to serve as an economic engine for the country and its neighbors.

Construction on the wind and solar farm, which will include five wind turbines and an array of solar panels, is scheduled to begin later this year. The project’s success hinges on partnerships with various stakeholders, including Lloyds, Sasaki Associates, and Foster & Partners, renowned for their expertise in urban planning and infrastructure development.

Despite the ambitious scope of the project, Elba remains committed to preserving Sherbro Island’s natural beauty and cultural heritage. The initiative reflects his broader vision of reframing the narrative of development in Africa and fostering self-reliance and economic empowerment.


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