
Kanayo O Kanayo concerned about ‘Youtube Movie’ era

Renowned Nollywood actor Kanayo O Kanayo has voiced apprehensions regarding the growing presence of Nigerian actors and producers on YouTube, highlighting concerns over the industry’s professionalism and sustainability.

In a candid video shared on Instagram, Kanayo criticized the prevalent trend among up-and-coming actors of participating in intense one-day shoots for YouTube content. He expressed dismay over the practice, citing its detrimental effects on the quality of productions and the well-being of actors.

Kanayo pointed out that charging exorbitant fees for single-day shoots, where actors are expected to complete numerous scenes within a limited timeframe, not only compromises the artistic process but also poses risks to the health of performers.

The veteran actor underscored the lack of foresight and professionalism among Nigerian actors who prioritize short-term gains over the long-term sustainability of the film industry. He lamented the absence of a structured approach to content creation, emphasizing the need for a more thoughtful and systematic process.

Furthermore, Kanayo raised concerns about the potential impact of this trend on YouTube’s presence in Nigeria, suggesting that the platform’s reputation could suffer if it continues to be associated with unsustainable and low-quality productions.

Reflecting on the origins of Nollywood and the gradual evolution of the industry, Kanayo emphasized the importance of upholding standards of professionalism and craftsmanship. He cautioned against compromising artistic integrity for the sake of expediency, urging actors and producers to prioritize quality over quantity.

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